Jake Rasmussen is near the end of his path to Eagle with the completion of his project in San Diego’s Presidio Park. Located on on a heavily-trafficked trail, Jake’s project included replacing a section of retaining wall and constructing a cable railing to improve safety for hikers and bicyclists. Thank you scouts for your service and congratulations, Jake!
Scouts replacing a section of retaining wall with added drainage for water runoff.Scouts from the last shift wrap up the wire railing.
Troop 506B Camp Emerald Bay 2021Troop 506G Camp Emerald Bay, 2021
The girls of 506G headed over to Catalina Island with our Venture Crew June 20-26, and the boys of 506B followed June 27-July 3. Many thanks to the parents who volunteered and made it happen! Here’s the trip by the numbers:
Troop 506B
30 = scouts (troop record!)
75 = merit badges completed
Troop 506G
Report pending…please stand by….
Image: Sunrise over Catalina Island, photo by Adrienne Markworth, 2021.